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After cloning this repo, create a virtualenv and ensure dependencies are installed by running:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e ".[test]"


Advantages over plain pip and requirements.txt

Pipenv generates two files: a Pipfileand a Pipfile.lock. * Pipfile: Is a high level declaration of the dependencies of your project. It can contain "dev" dependencies (usually test related stuff) and "standard" dependencies which are the ones you'll need for your project to function * Pipfile.lock: Is the "list" of all the dependencies your Pipfile has installed, along with their version and their hashes. This prevents two things: Conflicts between dependencies and installing a malicious module.

How to...

Here the most 'common' pipenv commands, for a more in-depth explanation please refer to the official documentation.

Install pipenv

pip install pipenv

Install dependencies defined in a Pipfile

pipenv install

Install both dev and "standard" dependencies defined in a Pipfile

pipenv install --dev

Install a new module

pipenv install django
pipenv install nose --dev

Install dependencies in production

pipenv install --deploy

Start a shell

pipenv shell


Well-written tests and maintaining good test coverage is important to this project. While developing, run new and existing tests with:

pytest --cov=[project/pyms/...] --cov=tests tests/

Add the -s flag if you have introduced breakpoints into the code for debugging. Add the -v ("verbose") flag to get more detailed test output. For even more detailed output, use -vv. Check out the pytest documentation for more options and test running controls.

PyMS supports several versions of Python3. To make sure that changes do not break compatibility with any of those versions, we use tox to create virtualenvs for each Python version and run tests with that version. To run against all Python versions defined in the tox.ini config file, just run:


If you wish to run against a specific version defined in the tox.ini file:

tox -e py36

Tox can only use whatever versions of Python are installed on your system. When you create a pull request, Travis will also be running the same tests and report the results, so there is no need for potential contributors to try to install every single version of Python on their own system ahead of time.



mypy [project/pyms/...]


flake8 [project/pyms/...] --show-source --statistics --statistics


pylint --rcfile=pylintrc [project/pyms/...]

Tutorial: Create your own service

See this tutorial