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Commnand line

PyMS comes with some commands to make your developments easier:

pyms -h

Lists the options and help instructions to use this command:

usage: [-h] [-v VERBOSE]
               {encrypt,create-key,startproject,merge-swagger} ...

Python Microservices

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE

  Available commands

    encrypt             Encrypt a string
    create-key          Generate a Key to encrypt strings in config
    startproject        Generate a project from
    merge-swagger       Merge swagger into a single file

Start a project


pyms startproject

This command creates a project template like the one defined in Microservices Scaffold. This command uses cookiecutter to download and install this template


First, you must run pip install cookiecutter==1.7.0

Create a key encrypt/decrypt file


pyms create-key

Create a key file to encrypt strings in your configuration file. This key is created with AES. You can run the next command in the terminal. See Encrypt/Decrypt Configuration for more information

Encrypt a string


pyms encrypt [string] 

Encrypt a string to use in your configfile

pyms encrypt 'mysql+mysqlconnector://important_user:****@localhost/my_schema'
>>  Encrypted OK: b'gAAAAABeSwBJv43hnGAWZOY50QjBX6uGLxUb3Q6fcUhMxKspIVIco8qwwZvxRg930uRlsd47isroXzkdRRnb4-x2dsQMp0dln8Pm2ySHH7TryLbQYEFbSh8RQK7zor-hX6gB-JY3uQD3IMtiVKx9AF95D6U4ydT-OA=='

See Encrypt/Decrypt Configuration for more information

Merge swagger into a single file


pyms merge-swagger [-h] [-f FILE]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Swagger file path

This command uses prance to validate the API specification and generate a single YAML file. It has an optional argument to indicate the main file path of the API specification.

pyms merge-swagger --file 'app/swagger/swagger.yaml'
>>  Swagger file generated [swagger-complete.yaml] 
>>  OK

Create configuration from command line

PyMS has a command line option to create a config file. You can run the next command in the terminal:

pyms create-config